Monday, September 11, 2006

Plea For Kid-Pleasing Recipes

A co-worker of mine just recently made the transition to vegan. I was so very excited for her when she shared this with me, and I've been trying to help her out with as many links and references as possible.

She sounds like she's made a pretty gung-ho leap into shopping and cooking vegan, but today she told me that the only problem she's having is cooking for both her and her husband vs. cooking for her kids (she's having to cook two separate meals because, as she stated, while her husband is happy to eat whatever she makes, her kids are kinda picky in the way that most kids are when it comes to food). She sounds worn out from trying to please everyone, and although I suggested to her both the Vegan Family Favorites cookbook and the Lantern Family Vegan Cookbook, I thought I'd send out a request for more help.

Do any of you out there have any recipe suggestions that have proven to be kid-pleasing for even the most pickiest of kiddos? (Recipes with fairly basic ingredients--nothing fancy shmancy--and relatively short preparation time would be most useful, seeing as she's a working mom.)

If so, please please please post any and all recipes or links in the comment section and I will forward them along to her.

The transition to vegan can be a struggle when you're doing it all on your own in a family of omnis and even veggies (as many of us know), so perhaps having the support of all us vegan food-lovers will keep her from giving up hope.

Thanks, everyone!

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